
temperature control Learn more about temperature control

  • Control of diseases and insect pests of Taxus mairei

    Control of diseases and insect pests of Taxus mairei

    There are 7 kinds of diseases and insect pests of Taxus mairei cuttings in greenhouse during the whole growing period.

  • Temperature control of raising chickens in winter

    Temperature control of raising chickens in winter

    The temperature of raising chickens in winter should be controlled at about 20 ℃, and the air heater specially placed in the chicken shed can be purchased, so that the temperature of the chicken shed can be well controlled. Chickens like to sleep on straw mats, and appropriate straw mats can be added to keep chickens warm in winter.

    2020-11-08 Winter chicken raising temperature control summary winter temperature
  • Taxus disease and pest control, 3 major insect pests / 3 major diseases / prevention and treatment need to be combined

    Taxus disease and pest control, 3 major insect pests / 3 major diseases / prevention and treatment need to be combined

    Taxus can survive on the earth for more than 2.5 million years, which shows that its disease resistance is relatively strong, but with the development of pot technology, when many people raise it at home, it may cause diseases and insect pests on the plant because they do not understand the culture methods of the yew or do not have good maintenance and management.

  • How to manage the temperature in Cucumber planting

    How to manage the temperature in Cucumber planting

    How to manage the temperature in Cucumber planting

  • How to manage the temperature in the latest cucumber planting

    How to manage the temperature in the latest cucumber planting

    The planting area of cucumber in our country is very large. When planting cucumber, we should do a good job of management to ensure the growth of cucumber. We need to pay attention to all aspects, especially the temperature control of planting cucumbers in winter shed. Temperature is crucial to the growth of cucumber.

    2020-11-10 The latest cucumber planting yes temperature how management in
  • Temperature control of chicken house and matters needing attention

    Temperature control of chicken house and matters needing attention

    Temperature control of chicken house and matters needing attention

  • Safety control measures of fully enclosed chicken house

    Safety control measures of fully enclosed chicken house

    Safety control measures of fully enclosed chicken house

  • Causes and control of dead mushrooms in the cultivation of Agaricus blazei Murrill

    Causes and control of dead mushrooms in the cultivation of Agaricus blazei Murrill

    Agaricus blazei Murrill (Agaricusblazei-murrill), also known as Brazilian mushroom, has developed rapidly in artificial cultivation in the past two years. Agaricus blazei mushroom shrinks, turns yellow and finally dies in Agaricus blazei Murrill cultivation. The main reasons are as follows. In view of the reasons, timely measures can be taken to avoid causing greater losses. The main results are as follows: (1) the high temperature of the mushroom shed is more than 30 ℃ for several days, coupled with poor ventilation, it is easy to cause dead mushrooms. Prevention and control measures: pay close attention to the change of air temperature during the mushroom period

  • Management Calendar of Blueberry cultivation in greenhouse in Shandong Peninsula

    Management Calendar of Blueberry cultivation in greenhouse in Shandong Peninsula

    Blueberry cultivation and management in greenhouse in Shandong Peninsula, the scientific name of blueberry is blueberry, which belongs to small berry tree of blueberry shrub of rhododendron family. Blueberries have the unique effects of preventing brain nerve aging, enhancing heart function, preventing visual fatigue and preventing cancer.

  • Prevention and Control measures of Fertilizer damage and High temperature damage of vegetables in greenhouse

    Prevention and Control measures of Fertilizer damage and High temperature damage of vegetables in greenhouse

    In the vegetable greenhouse planting technology, fertilizer damage and high temperature damage are important factors affecting the yield, quality and benefit of vegetables, the following are the necessary control methods. First, how to prevent and control fertilizer damage. 1. Deep application of fertilizer. Chemical fertilizer should be applied deeply or dissolved in water.

    2020-11-09 Greenhouse vegetables planting fertilizer damage and high temperature hazard in
  • Key points of management of mushroom emergence period of Pleurotus eryngii by temperature, humidity, light disease and insect control

    Key points of management of mushroom emergence period of Pleurotus eryngii by temperature, humidity, light disease and insect control

    Key points of management of mushroom emergence period of Pleurotus eryngii by temperature, humidity, light disease and insect control

  • Cultivate high-temperature mushrooms to control the "three passes"

    Cultivate high-temperature mushrooms to control the

    The cultivation of mushrooms in summer has higher economic benefits. In order to grow mushrooms well in summer, there must be "three hurdles" of variety, fermentation and pest control. The main results are as follows: (1) the suitable high temperature type strains are Xincheng 96, Su Mushroom 1 and so on. The optimum temperature of Xincheng 96 is 18-36 ℃, 25-33 ℃ in greenhouse and 20-36 ℃ (24-33 ℃) in greenhouse. It is the most heat-tolerant strain at present. It is suitable for sowing in May-June and mushroom in June-September. Its greatest advantage is mushroom picking.

  • Analysis on the Technical points of florescence Control of Common Flowers

    Analysis on the Technical points of florescence Control of Common Flowers

    Analysis on the Technical points of florescence Control of Common Flowers

  • Technology of controlling vegetable growth in greenhouse

    Technology of controlling vegetable growth in greenhouse

    Technology of controlling vegetable growth in greenhouse

  • Design of Cold Room for Phalaenopsis flowering

    Design of Cold Room for Phalaenopsis flowering

    The vegetative growth temperature of Phalaenopsis is usually 20 ℃ to 30 ℃, but the temperature required for flowering varies from strain to strain: the reproductive growth temperature of the first strain is the same as the vegetative growth temperature, the daytime temperature is below 30 ℃, and the night temperature is lower than the daytime temperature.

  • Causes and Control methods of Cucumber Stem cracking

    Causes and Control methods of Cucumber Stem cracking

    Causes and Control methods of Cucumber Stem cracking

  • Diseases and insect pests of edible fungi and their control methods

    Diseases and insect pests of edible fungi and their control methods

    Bacterial spot disease 1, harmful symptoms the disease often occurs on the bacterial bag or bacterial bed, its surface is mucus, hyphae yellowing, the pathogen can produce toxins, so that the cover on the emergence of disease spots. The plaque is brown, round or oval, the periphery of the spot is dark and irregular, the center of the lid is gray-white when wet, there is milky mucus, and the central part is slightly sunken when the air is dry. The disease spot on the stalk is rhombic and oval in shape. Second, the disease conditions climate is uncomfortable, in case of high temperature, high humidity, the relative air humidity is more than 95%;

  • Integrated Control of Flower Diseases and insect pests in protected area

    Integrated Control of Flower Diseases and insect pests in protected area

    Integrated Control of Flower Diseases and insect pests in protected area

  • Comprehensive measures should be taken to prevent the growth of round eggplant.

    Comprehensive measures should be taken to prevent the growth of round eggplant.

    At present, because the greenhouse begins to close at night for heat preservation, the night temperature is often too high, so that the round eggplant in the greenhouse grows seriously. In order to prevent the round eggplant from flourishing without setting fruit, the reporter found that vegetable farmers generally adopt the method of water control. However, it is difficult to achieve the desired effect by relying solely on water control in production, and there are many disadvantages of excessive water control, such as poor flower bud differentiation, abnormal fruit and so on. The author believes that there are many factors leading to plant growth, so comprehensive measures should be taken to control plant growth instead of blindly excessive water control. Temperature control tree. The suitable growth temperature of round eggplant is 25 in the daytime.

  • Soilless cultivation and Management of Phalaenopsis

    Soilless cultivation and Management of Phalaenopsis

    1. Temperature. During the period of vegetative growth, the temperature is generally controlled at 20-35 °C. The temperature required for vernalization of large seedlings is 15-18 °C. The temperature requirement from arrow drawing to flowering is 18-20 °C at night and 25-30 °C from day to day. The ornamental temperature at flowering stage should be controlled at 15-20 °C. The temperature difference between day and night is generally more than 10 °C, let alone negative temperature difference between day and night. two。 Light. The light intensity of young seedlings (from 6 months old to 6 months old) is controlled at 5000-8000 lux; the light intensity of medium seedlings (6 months old to 6 months old) is controlled at 5000-8000 lux.
